Sunday, October 5, 2008


It’s that time yet again. Just when I thought I was alone after what some of us call the journey of tears which streamed down years prior a new shed of light appeared in my life. I remember those times when I felt as if I were rising to heaven… I could see down on everything in its beauty and even though I was content and didn’t want to go I knew that my turn was coming. Sitting on my thrown high above things had changed. I didn’t even know who I was anymore or what I had become. I knew things were too good to be true – I resembled a fallen star not yet fallen smiling and full surrounded by others that appeared to be just like me. Happy but weary of the next step and the journey to come all bound by the same laws of nature of an intertwined destiny that could only be foretold through history and time. Ah yes time… the only thing I wish I had more of. Why might you ask? To change anything and everything in hopes I could have prevented it all? Or maybe to save us from the moments which seemed to be closing in on our inevitable doom. I don’t know anymore to be honest. The beginning was so damn good… it always is. We were the carousel, the wishing well – the mystery from outer space, we were the pool on an august day…the perfect thing to say. Then just like another summer day that has come and gone away, as did we. When it rains it pours and what rises must eventually fall, as did we. And fall we did. Together we fell like the titanic in the abyss of shades of blue with stretches of grey. The sky above blackened as the aftermath of Nagasaki and Hiroshima clearing only after the inexplicable damage had been done. But now after the storm has settled and all is calm I find my self surrounded once again by a million people. I still feel all alone – I just want to go home. Another summer day has come and I feel the warmth shining on my back. I feel nostalgic … I’m in love once again rising to heaven. Is this is it though? Will the laws of nature freeze and capture this moment forever. Or will we fall once more on another summer day. I’m just too far from where I want to be – I wanna come home. I’ll be home tonight.


l.h.l. said...
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l.h.l. said...

your bad spelling is contagious.
like i said before...raindrop theory or psycho babble...I'll take two please.
ironically one of your spelling doofs actually makes for an interesting metaphor...but i'm sure you meant to do that. Neologist. you could reinvent the wheel.

Anonymous said...

I love this! Well, Alex!